All Students of the Polytechnic are members of the Library.
The Library will be lept open from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all the working days of the Polytechnic.
Each students shall be given one Digital Barcode Identity Card, a student can borrow two books from the library.
A student can make use of book issued to him for a period of one week from the date of issue. It should be returned to the library on the date marked on the date-slip. However, if a student wants to renew a book, he can do so, provided no other member has applied for the same book in the meantime. two such renewals are permitted. The book should be produced for every renewal.
The librarian may renew or return a book at any time from a student.
A student failing to renew or return a book within due date, will be fined Re.1/- for the delay per day.
A Student who has to pay fine or any other charge due to the library will not be allowed to borrow, untill he pay the dues.
Absence from the Polytechnic is not and excuse for the delay in return of books to the library.
The librarian shall send to the principal the names of students to be fined for the delay in returning the books.
All payments including fines due to the library shall be paid in the office.
On all working days books will be issued to the student.
When returning a book the borrower must get back his ticket on his own. Books must be returned from 10.15 a.m.
A student who loses his ticket must at once bring the matter to the notice of the librarian. Duplicate Tickets may be issued till September on payment of a fine or Rs.20/- for each ticket. Duplicate Tickets will not be issued during the middle of the Academic Year.
Students must return their tickets, at the end of their course or at the time of their leaving the college whichever is earlier.
If the Identity Card is lost, this must be brought to the notice of the Librarian in writing. In case this is not done, the Librarian is not responsible for the books issued against the Identity card. This will lead to recovery of the books issued and imposition of fines.
No tracing of mechanical reproduction shall be made without the permission of the Librarian.
Back dated periodicals will not be issued to the students.
If a book reported "Lost" a new edition of the same book should be replaced. Non-availability of Indian edition books and Foreign Edition books in the market will be charged twice and thrice the cost of the books respectively.
If the due falls on a holiday, the next working day will be taken as the due date.
Identity Card are not transferrable.
Students should not sublend the library books.
Before leaving the Library counter, students must satisfy themselves as to whether the books lent out are in good condition. Any damage to a book should be immediately reported to the Librarian, failing which the student to whom the book is issued will be held responsible for the damage.
Encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories and other reference books will not be issued to the students.
Students who misbehave in the library of misuse the Library facilities are subjected to disciplinary action.
Xeroxing facility is available in the library. Students are informed to avail this facility. Xerox requisition forms are available in the library reading room.
BOOK BANK: The reading room will be kept open during the working hours of the college. Students can make use of all the periodicals that are available only in the reading room and nowhere else.